Thanks for making us #4

Just wanted to drop by and say thank you to all of you who have pre-ordered your copy of “Snuff” over at the Horror Mall. Thanks to you guys, we’re #4 on their bestseller list.

If you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet. Stop on by.

“Snuff” at the Horror Mall


One last teaser

“Snuff” will be out within a week or so and is available for pre-order over at the horror mall (hint, hint, wink, wink). In the meantime, I figured I’d post one last teaser on here for those of you who have been kind enough to support us and check out this site.

Happy reading,


* * * *

Bill Corwin waited quietly at his desk in the upstairs office, browsing through last night’s box scores before checking his online stock portfolio.

Sitting in his bathrobe with a cup of coffee, he could hear Marilyn downstairs in the kitchen running the blender, liquefying whatever the health concoction of the month was. Everyday she drank that shit, went to the gym to see some $75-per-hour personal trainer and cooked from the pages of the newest fad diet books. Not that any of it did any good, her dumpy ass and sagging tits squeezed into matching track suits, the cottage cheese cellulite of her thighs bulging out a little more each day.

Downstairs the blender stopped.

“I’m heading out, honey,” Marilyn’s yell came up the stairs and down the hallway.

All those empty rooms – ever since Jenny left for college – provided plenty of distance between them.

“Okay,” Bill muttered, still staring at the computer screen.


“I said ‘okay’.”

Jenny, though – sorry, she went by Jennifer now –was still the name on the credit card and tuition bills rolling in every month, five years after she started “studying” performance arts.

Jenny was Bill and Marilyn’s eldest now, but she wasn’t their first.

In college, Marilyn hadn’t been that different from Jenny, not exactly promiscuous but no saint. Mistakes happen, condoms break and periods are missed. Like mother like daughter, but abortion wasn’t an option for Marilyn.

She cried when the newborn was turned over to the adoption agency and post partum depression set in. In the end, she never finished school, the reason she decided not to keep the boy in the first place. And when Jenny came along five years later, Marilyn dedicated every waking moment to pampering her. She spoiled her right up through high school, bending her and Bill’s lives to Jenny’s every whim.

When Jenny left for college, Marilyn fell into depression again. For two years she ate everything she could fit in her grubby little mouth. For the next two years she exercised and had regular colonics. The cellulite turned into stretch marks, which were later complimented with cosmetic surgery scars. Whatever the phase, whatever the craze, it never came cheap.

Like mother like daughter.

“Alright, I’m off. I love you,” Marilyn’s shout snapped Bill back to reality.

“Uh huh…you too.”

Bill had an hour before he would leave for the office. He listened for the garage door, Marilyn’s SUV backing out of the driveway, the door going back down again. Peering from between the blinds he watched as the rear end of her Explorer disappear around the corner. He minimized the browser window, brought up a new window and typed in the address of porn trade website.

In the past few years this had become a morning ritual. It was the only time it was truly quiet – save the occasional fake moan coming from the computer speakers. It was also the only time Bill could forget about the bills, mundane office routine, his receding hairline, cellulite stretched track suits, high fiber diets, prostate checks and Jenny…fucking Jenny.

Bill clicked through the video category list.

Abused, Adorable, Amateur…Farm, Femdom, Fisting…Midget, MILF, Military…Rectal Examine, Redhead, Rim Job…Water Sports, Webcam, Wired Pussy.

The Rectal Examine link conjured up images of Bill’s last physical, but worse than that, he was tired of all this. What started with centerfolds turned into straight porn turned into anal and bondage. Now, if some pock-marked bitch with daddy issues and her roots showing wasn’t screaming as a wiffle ball bat was shoved up her ass, he had a hard time getting off.

Every morning he managed, though.

“Snuff” available for pre-order

“Snuff” is now available for pre-order over at the horror-mall. Stop on by and be one of the first to get your copy.

“Snuff” at the horror-mall